Every february of a financial year we have a comedy show in the name of railway budget. This ritual has become a show to prove that the government and more particularly the railway minster is one among the poor and downtrodden. He/she always cares for the poor. The railways has now become an instrument of appeasement. I still regret the fact the British left India. They really were visionaries in every aspect. Be it the railways, seaways and airports they did a marvelous job. Infact our politicians have looted far more what the British stole from India. The railway ministry has defacto been marked to either the state of Bihar/Westbengal. How else can u justify the fact that the railway ministers are only from these two states for the past 10 years. The railway budget is a real shame on this country and its intellectual thinking. The southern states are the worst affected due to this poor leadership. The successive governments need to share the blame for this thinking. In all the succe...